12 June 2010


丁当开场,独家合唱《拥抱》,变形金刚,爆破连连 ,连唱29首三个钟,整场DNA,又high又感动。话不多说,先看点照片吧
这是继Final Home 2006, Jump 2008之后,我看的第三场五月天大马演唱会了。现场high到爆,不管是不是他们的超级粉丝,亲临现场后每个人都余温不散至少一星期啊~ 我敢说,这是大马史上最high的演唱会,看看video就知啦~


错过的朋友,下次不要再犹豫啦~ 我可以担保,就算你不是五月天迷,去了也肯定high到乱~

1. 春天的吶喊
2. 軌車
3. 愛情萬歲
5. 你不是真正的快樂
6. 生存以上生活以下
7. 瘋狂世界+候鳥
8. 時光機
9. 我心中尚未崩壞的地方
10. 人生海海
11. DNA
12. 雌雄同體
13. 離開地球表面
14. 墓仔埔也敢去+製造浪漫(冠佑
15. 笑忘歌+相信
16. 擁抱(丁噹合唱)
17. 孫悟空+SOLO
18. 約翰藍儂+我
19. 最重要的小事
20. 天使
21. 生命有一種絕對
22. 倔強

23. 戀愛ING
24. 突然好想你
25. 知足
26. 溫柔

27. 彩虹
28. 志明與春嬌
29. 憨人

22 May 2010

B16A 4-2-1 Extractor and 5Zigen Border 304 for Sale!

It's been a year this 4-2-1 header and border 304 with me since the 1st day my car come out from the garage. Really love the low end torque and the superb V-TEC engaged roar of the muffler! And yet didn't give me much trouble from the police, perhaps I'm just lucky~
As it is a 2inch piping setup, it serve me very well in acceleration especially in the drag race of Johor Circuit. But as I hope to focus on full track setup for my car, it will be better for me to up-size to 2.3inch piping which will be much better to match with my future plan. However, this 2inch setup is very much recommended for any standard B16A for street performance combine with some track session.
Both the header and the muffler are made in Japan, and the header come with a JASMA tag which means it fulfilled the Japan authority road legal requirement and built quality. The Border 304 does not have the JASMA tag as it is a race spec muffler, with high power output and sound level which is not legal to use on Japan public road. Both of them are in very good condition, the header has minor repair outer face which will not affect the performance at all.
For those who wish to take the extractor and muffler together, the center piping with 2 center bullet will be given free! This setup is still roaring on my car and will be taken down June or July when my new 5Zigen Pro Racer extractor arrived from US. If interested you are very welcomed to test it on my car! It will be plug and play on Civic EK4/EG9 4doors or any other B16A with minor mod.

17 May 2010

Late Update: 2010 Birthday

It was more than a month ago, my birthday. As EXPECTED, there isn't much thing to expect this year. My dearest girlfriend was 800km away from me, and friends back in my hometown seems had disappearing for some while. It's until the last few hours countdown to my birthday only my best friend "accidentally" found out it's my birthday on the next day! So he "roughly" call up some friends and bought a small cake and there goes my birthday celebration.

So we head to a heritage style cafe at JB town, Roost Juice + Bar. Heard the upstairs view is much better but sadly it was full house that day. They have their drinks in "tong" style, but it seems a bit weird for me and nothing special about the drinks too.
So what's next? Roost again! I have no idea but we just head to another Roost located in The Zone, which has a better location and decoration as well. And here we just go through the standard procedure of a birthday celebration...
I got my precious birthday presents only about a week later..well..it's better than nothing! But I did like it very much ...
That's my very normal and simple 2010 birthday... how simple is yours?

05 May 2010

Solidwoks CAD : Intake and Exhaust for Honda Civic EK4 Sedan B16A

Again, I was too bored in the office and I started to draw things I actually plan to get for my car in real life..haha. This time it is the Carbon Fiber Power Chamber Intake Kit for Vtec and also exhaust system for Civic EK4 Sedan.
Mugen Style 4-1 Header

Complete Exhaust System for Civic EK4 Sedan
4-1 Header, 2.3inch Piping, Straight Flow Muffler

Power Chamber Intake Kit for Vtec
Carbon Fiber Power Chamber
K&N 4.5inch Air Filter
Alunimum Heat Shield

These models are not complicated so only cost me less than 2days to complete including CosmosFloXpress Analysis to study the air flow in the intake and exhaust. I'm not showing here as it may take some time for me to rerun the analysis and take the snap shot. By the way, very soon you'll see some pictures of the "real stuff" which I get for my EK4!

For next sharing on CAD drawing, I'll come up with a simple model of formula car. Stay Tune! :)

04 May 2010

D2 Camber Kit installed on my EK!

It was a week ago..I got my D2 Racing camber kit and installed on my EK. D2 Racing camber kit is very well made with high quality material, unlike many "local production" camber kit.

High strength aluminum body and hard rubber bush featured in this D2 Racing will ensure the car running smoothly all the time. Forget about cheapo camber kit which the rubber bush will failed just after few months of normal drive, D2 Racing is really worth to get at RM385 for my EK!
This is the 13years old camber arm on my car, where the bushing had cracked. This may cause unstable handling during corner!
There you go.. now I can turn-in corner confidently!